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Field Manager - International
Company JobTanzania
Pays-ville Tanzania
Lecture estimée à : 1 minute
Job description
We are looking for a Field Manager.
Responsibilities :
• Coordinate and supervise all fieldwork activities, ensuring timely and efficient execution.
• Recruit, train, and manage enumerators and field teams for specific projects.
• Conduct quality control and ensure adherence to data collection protocols.
• Manage logistics, including field travel and equipment distribution.
• Provide real-time troubleshooting and support during fieldwork operations.
• Monitor data integrity and compile field reports for submission to the Project Manager.
• Ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and data security measures.
Lien d'originale cliquer ici
Job description
We are looking for a Field Manager.
Responsibilities :
• Coordinate and supervise all fieldwork activities, ensuring timely and efficient execution.
• Recruit, train, and manage enumerators and field teams for specific projects.
• Co...
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